Vaporizer Fill Device (Bottle adaptors)
Vaporizer fill devices come in two styles, anti-spill and pin index. They are color coded for the specific anesthetic: Red for Halothane, Purple for Isoflurane and Yellow for Sevoflurane.
The Anti Spill devices do exactly what they name implies they make filling the vaporizer easier with less loss of anesthetic agent due to spillage. Facility safety is enhanced as less spillage means less exposure by staff to anesthetic agent vapors.
Pin Index fill devices are designed to work with pin indexed or keyed vaporizers. The pin index is a safety feature that prevents a vaporizer from being filled with the wrong anesthetic agent; or cross contaminated with another liquid. The fill device is required if you are using pin indexed vaporizers.
The Anti Spill devices do exactly what they name implies they make filling the vaporizer easier with less loss of anesthetic agent due to spillage. Facility safety is enhanced as less spillage means less exposure by staff to anesthetic agent vapors.
Pin Index fill devices are designed to work with pin indexed or keyed vaporizers. The pin index is a safety feature that prevents a vaporizer from being filled with the wrong anesthetic agent; or cross contaminated with another liquid. The fill device is required if you are using pin indexed vaporizers.
Order-Nr. PS-0950 Pin Index Isoflurane
Order-Nr. PS-0949 Pin Index Halothane
Order-Nr. PS-0951 Pin Index Sevoflurane
Order-Nr. PS-0960 Anti Spill Isoflurane
Order-Nr. PS-0961 Anti Spill Halothane
Order-Nr. PS-0962 Anti Spill Sevoflurane
Order-Nr. PS-0949 Pin Index Halothane
Order-Nr. PS-0951 Pin Index Sevoflurane
Order-Nr. PS-0960 Anti Spill Isoflurane
Order-Nr. PS-0961 Anti Spill Halothane
Order-Nr. PS-0962 Anti Spill Sevoflurane